Yes it most certainly can. A friend of mine had a terrible website (not created by me… obviously!) and she used to think it didn’t matter so long as people could find her company online.

If potential customers come to your website and it is old, outdated, or just looks awful, what do you think their first impression of your company is going to be?

Most new customers are going to research you online – before they meet you, go to your office, or see and touch your products.

If their first impression of your company is that it can’t afford a decent website, and the next company’s website they look at is really good, which company do you think they are going to contact first?

Your website needs to be as good as your competitors, if not better, when your customers are researching you online. It must look professional and answer all of their questions if you want them to take the next step.

Having a well-designed, attractive and professional website shows your customers that you are a professional business.

That first impression is very important.

And, there is no doubt, getting the right first impression isn’t likely to come from free website builders you have edited yourself!

Please contact me for a quote!